Innovation: GRUPO GÁMIZ is participating in a smart curtain walling project
The research project ‘Wood IoT Wall’ is being conducted within the Hazitek programme, funded by the Basque Government and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
The fact that wood is a building material experiencing an upturn has been seen for some time. In reality, rather than just a current trend, it would be ideal if sustainable, certified wood with structural capacity were here to stay. In the end, it may well be the material that can best help architecture finally become sustainable architecture.
To the qualities of wood as a natural and ecological material —in addition to beautiful, elegant and warm, of course— we must add technology. Research has helped glulam wood achieve extraordinary levels of structural quality. As proof of this we have VIGAM, the only oak glulam beam in the world with the CE marking for structural use, designed and manufactured by Grupo Gámiz. As well as this project that we’re talking about today.

Tübingen City Hall | Arch: a+r Architekten GmbH | Product: VIGAM: Oak glulam.
‘Wood IoT Wall’. A step further in energy efficiency
We know that wooden curtain walling provides greater efficiency than conventional curtain walling (concrete, steel, aluminium, etc.). The Wood IoT Wall project aims to go even further, an ambitious objective funded by the Basque Government and the ERDF through the Hazitek programme.
Compared to curtain walling models used currently Wood IoT Wall differs in the concept of its design with emerging technologies and capacities. For example, the project anticipates the generation of a complex BIM objective of curtain walling, as well as a digital twin for smart management of this curtain walling, and provision of knowledge, traceability and action on aspects of the structure related to energy efficiency: ventilation, shade, lighting, temperature, etc.
To make this reality, this adventure has participants who are exceptional in the world of construction, wood, industry and research. Grupo Gámiz is accompanied by Uxama, Carpintería Irastorza, Genelek and Tecnalia.
Smart curtain walling has to be wood
Today wooden curtain walling is the sustainable alternative to other applications with materials that are less respectful of the environment. This sustainability is also related to efficiency, as shown by the protagonism of wood in passivhaus buildings.

Agricultural centre, Salez | Arch: Andy Senn Architektur GmbH. | Product: VIGAM
So it is logical that when studying the creation of smart wooden curtain walling wood is the main material, like in this project, Wood IoT Wall, in which GRUPO GÁMIZ is participating with its R&D department… and with all the enthusiasm of people working here. We’ll keep you informed!